I have to get the R-set 1k trip pots. I hope R-S has them. I'm getting the little heatsinks from themtoo. 4-40 screws from Lowes to attach them to the TO-220 MOSFETS.
I loked at the box, there is no way I'm getting one of those 100-mike Pop-can sized caps under there. the sol'n is even cheaper. A trip to the photo shop for some disposable flash cameras. They have 100 uF/330 volt flash caps inside. a few hundred mikes of them ought to do the trick. I may put in a 6NO30 delay relay to turn on the 6CA4's heater...probably just put in a 40k bleeder resistor. Perhaps 33k as I have soem IRC GS3 3W metal film. The small resistro provides enough draw to pull the voltage significantly lower than root2* RMS.
I hope my camera works well enough with close ups.
This is what it looked like with two 5687 and ForePlay circuit.