My missing issue of _audioXpress_ came and whaddaya know--
a possible inboard amp that is THX rated was reviewed by
Charles Hansen.
The Link shown below is not the manufacturer. I could
not link to what was given called but
a google turned up what I think is a commercial theatre
Hansen mentioned the trend to putting the amp in the
box (and I thought I had something original going-- aside
from branded studio monitors.) See _audioXpress_ December
2004 p. 44 "New Chips on the Block."
Anyway, it's another fish to fry. No clue as to where
the juice is supposed to come from for this module though.
This of course is still planning stage stuff.
The theatrical line array description mentions
individual d2's for each speak digitally controlled or
sumpin'. I wasn't just totally following it and I'm
not an engineer. Wish I knew more about the device.