Well, this driver is brand new at Creative Sound Solutions.
It is priced half way between the Fostex 127e and the Jordan 92s
at about $60. It is shielded so any prob's with the magnet in
a cab should be eliminated.
We never talked about what would power the amp in the box.
That's another wrinkle.
Just as a design concept I thought of a variation on the
Jordan TL.
With the 'koda" (which is what the CSS driver is called without
all it's numbers) I thought of an asymetrical mount with the
driver in one corner in a mirror matched pair at the outside corner.
The terminus of the line would fire inwards (left and right) toward the center.
This would be a 'pancake' design and not in the golden ratio.
The depth would be the smallest measurment so as to conserve
on desktop real estate front to back.
The inside would have a divider to increase the line length.
Can one of you CAD guys model that?
Hey this may be dumb, but nothing is as dumb as the Kleinhorn.
Nelson Pass has lost his grip. And AudioXpress is actually featuring
it as a build. I thought it was cool at first, but who'd want to
live with such a construction? It makes the J-lo look tame doesn't it?