As an ex-Floridian, a lot of Purpleheart, Bubinga, and Brasilian Rosa Pedrosa has dulled my router. I would recommend against slow settings which will leave burn marks hard to get out. Light passes at high speed better. You can always move a little slower across tough spots. Sometimes, especially into end grain no more than 1/8" at a time. Tropicals are the exception to my rule of always using white PVA, I like yellow after a rub with lacquer thinner as BillM says. Rescorcinol, hard to find but worth the effort (outdoor sign makers use it) is a great glue for these woods. Hate Polyurethane and won't use it even here. I've used Tung oil on them with good results and of course lacquer is A-1. For small jobs like Foreplay bases, lacquer in aerosol cans is great. Behlen is okay but Deft is much better. Follow BillM's way to spray except you need to lightly wet sand with 3M 400 grit wet'n'dry between coats. Use a HARD cork or cork covered wood block so everything stays flat. Just get out the dust 'nibs'. A coat is slightly overlapping passes horizontal and then vertical.Light coats each time. Build 3 light coats an hour apart and then sand. Then a heavier coat and sand. Then another. Sand Another. Wait 3 years then wet sand with wool lube and 0000 wool or 600 grit paper. Get crazy. Rub out that with Meguiars #2. Then Meguiars Gold wax. Pearly!