The Roadster will get you into all of the styles that you play. The Roadking has a few more bells and whistles and an extra pair of power tubes, that you may or may not need and is a lot more money. Also, the Roadster will weigh less. A 2x12 Roadking weighs in at about 125 lbs. That's a lot of lifting. I have an old RK head and the head alone is somewhere around 65-70 lbs. I can't comment on the Stilleto, as I've never tried one. The Rectoverb doesn't have as nice of a clean sound as the Lone Stars, the RK, or the Roadster. Also, the Lone Stars and Lone Star Specials are great amps, but they won't do metal without a pedal. The Roadster would be my first choice. If metal isn't your main type of music, then I'd say get a Lone Star Special. They switch down to 5 watts and you can practice with it as well as gig. The drive channel sounds better on it than the Lone Star. At 30 watts, they are plenty loud. Also they are the lightest of the bunch. You didn't mention it, but I'd also try an Express 5:50, before I made up my mind.