I hope so but have my doubts. I took it to the authorized Mac repair shop and asked them to fix it and they did but I didn't see where they did anything like replacing any caps. It sounds good to me but what do I know One thing I've noticed with the tube amp is I can have the volume louder without the sound being annoying. I wonder why that is? The sound is hardly different between the 275 & 2505 as that was a design goal of the 2505 & 2105. I'd like somebody to listen and compare some day and see what they think. I've lived with this stuff since 1971 so I doubt I would notice a slow degradation in sound quality. One thing I do know is when I play a well mastered CD it'll put goose bumps on my arm. The sound is that good to me. Most of the sound is because of the Altecs. Today's modern speakers while technically superior sound clinical and strident to me. I guess I'm just used to the Altec distortion