Izzy Wizzy explaination Post #3
I_Forgot has suggested that he thinks that the Izzy Wizzy mod does what it does not because of additional filtering of the bias supply but because the panel (older Acoustat 0ne plus 0ne) is probably a bit leaky as far as bias supply goes. So if that is the case the the additional 0.01 uf cap stiffens the supply and makes it better able to get more voltage on to the panel. I think that this makes sense. So to find out I will remove the 0.01 uf cap and decrease the resistance value of the load resistor (500M) to say 250M. If voltage on the diaphragn is really the issue then this mod should have an identical result. Any thoughts or suggestions from the forum would be welcome.
I_Forgot has told me that 10 to 50M ohms is plenty to do the job and to keep the speaker working in constant charge mode. This just makes me want a variable supply all the more. Will keep you interested Acoustat owners advised of how this goes. It would be my guess that the reason Acoustat chose such a high value resistor for this job was probably a combination of reduceing current in the event of a shock and a good price from some vendor. Best regards Moray James.
moray james