The new drivers arrived awhile ago; I can report that the 5.5 are VERY well constructed, well beyond my expectations, frankly. Nice phat magnet [endomagnetosis] is always a good thing, tough butyl rubber surround, there appears to be BUCKETS of Xmax [!!] which bring dynamics to a backloaded aligment, nice solid milled steel, or aluminum phase plug, cone appears to be coated with some ceramic, perhaps ALuminum oxide to reduce ringing, and oxidation of Al cone material.Although the PAWO and Mini Onken have proven themselves with this driver, they are non-optimal alignments for this driver. to this end, I have calc'd a BIB folded pipe/horn for them which is a WAF size with ~65in^2 CSA, ~70in height, and sports a line gain of ~10db in the lower register, [horn gain] and F7=30Hz Resp. Not too shabby. With the 5.5 in a BIB, at lower listening levels, [nearfield, night time, etc] flea power should be okay. Although I will also use a PP triode or T amp. Color me impressed.