Hi Mr. Wilson,I apologize if I seemed flippant in my response to you. I was truly trying to help. I'm sorry but I don't have any experience with the cables you are asking about. However they seem to be just regular off the shelf cables to me. But I could be wrong (it wouldn't be the first time.) I think if I were in your shoes that maybe I would go the DIY route. There are many cable "recipes" on the net that have quite a following. If you have the time it could be fun to experiement. You can get bulk cable and parts from a company called VH Audio (see link below). There are other places as well. I mention VH Audio only because I have purchased a couple of thier power cords and they are very well built at a reasonable price. The company also has very good customer service. You can spend a lot or a little there. Anyway, again I apologize if I was less than gracious.