Wayne,"I haven't listened to the Dayton woofers, they may really sound good. Maybe their distortion levels are very low."
What type of distortion are you describing? If it is displacement generated then I would counter by saying that I have two 97 dB/w/m 15 inch woofers wired in parallel and even at loud volumes the motions are so small they are not visible. Where would distortion be generated?
I believe that these Dayton drivers are made by Eminence, but I might be wrong, which indicates quality to me. When I compared the Dayton's T/S parameters, and the physical description, I was convinced they were identical at that level to the JBL 2226. You have worked with many drivers so I am looking for an opinion on where I can improve, I have only worked with these Daytons. What would I be missing that might make them behave differently then the JBL drivers below 200 Hz?