I have a friend who was in a shopping center (or somewhere - this happened ten years or so ago, so the story is a little fuzzy) and these guys in a van got his attention. The story was something like they were supposed to pick up six, but there were twelve there, so they were selling the other six for a song. They were 12" "Acoustic Response" speakers, if I remember correctly - a takeoff of AR speakers. He bought two for $150 each.He proudly showed them to me and tried to sell them to me at a profit. They sounded ok in his living room, but I had no need for them, as I was interested in a little higher-end speakers if I ever needed to replace mine. At the time I did not know about "White Van" scams - only last year did I first see the term, but this was a White Van scam for sure!!
He does not have room in his living room for a couple of 12" speakers, so they have sat in a box somewhere since then.
He is a very intelligent, but technically-challenged, individual. So even high IQ people can fall for the great "good deal" offered by talented White Van artists.
I have never told him about White Van scams. Maybe I should let the smart-ass (he is, too - we both are!) know that he was suckered.
Heh, heh, heh...