well Anonymous; things are not so simple as usual. Direct Drive has it's problems and like everything in this world is a trade off. The best way to spin a record is really an idler wheel drive system which we won't get into except to say the best are done that way. Belt-drive is second best except it must be done to a much higher standard in order to maintain accuracy. While it has the advantage of decoupling the motor from the platter it requires a very massive platter in order to maintain rotational stability. That costs money. So the trade off is a well constructed Direct drive will produce better specs than a marginal belt-drive. Remmember we are speaking of tables up in the post 1000$ range for belt drives of good execution. There we have the sub 400$ Technics that fills the niche between cheap belts and good belts that run into heavy money. Your other option if you plan to become involved in vinyl to a great extent is possibly following an upgrade path on something like a VPI. The VPI junior used goes for about 400$ and with some luck you can find one with a PT 6 arm. Every part of the table can be upgraded in the future to something better starting with the main bearing and platter to the suspension and plinth. It handles all types of arm and even offers a stand-alone motor system which is a great improvement. At any rate good luck because CD is if you listen to music; while vinyl is if you love music.