If you have $150 collectable albums you play on an $80,000 TT maybe this isn't so good, but for my Goodwill album collection and $100 TT it's great:
put a little dishwashing detergent in a cup and add 1/4 warm water;BLAST the record on both sides under the kitchen faucet with warm water rotating and hitting all the grooves; scoop some soapy water with your fingers onto the record and smear around 'til it's all soapy on both sides; run your fingers around and around like playing the record a few times; Blast it again to remove all the soap and crud. I really believe that the pressure of the water is nearly as effective as vacuuming.
Now set the record down on the soft, blue paper towel you buy in the paint department at Home Depot and blot and gently wipe dry. These towels are really absorbent, soft and entirely lint free.
This method always results in quieter play back and costs pennies.