I was obsessed with the idea of a 211 SET earlier this year too. But when I started putting together a bill of material, it became pretty expensive. The tubes themselves are not outragous. Chinese tubes are about $50 each while GE NOS are $150. However, most of the schematics I found require an OPT of 10K primary, and even a reasonably priced OPT like James cost $300 each.Cost issues aside, a 211 SET project should only be attempted by experienced builders. While voltages from preamps and pentode amps have a good chance of killing you, the 1000+ volts from a 211 amp is guaranteed to fry you on the spot. Also, the high voltage requires extra attention to insulation, as electrical arcs can be a problem.
All said, I'd love to see someone on this board complete a project like this and share the building and listening experience. I've read one or two articles about 211 projects, but didn't enjoy the esoteric and elitist tone it takes. Much prefer the down-to-earth attitude that this board has.