Rusty Messages: 1273 Registered: May 2018 Location: Kansas City Missouri
Illuminati (3rd Degree)
Yeah I have a source to get that belt. But the old Percy Kilbride in me is at it again to getting that done. I'm a terrible procrastinator. But like Pa Kettle always said, "I'll get around to that one of these days".
In respect to vinyl, I suppose it's just what we've grown up with that keeps the spinning going. But since I've improved the listening end, the speakers, back around the turn of the century. Going high sensitivity type, I really find vinyl to sound much more satisfying to me. There's the hands on aspect too.
But it really amazes me how nice it sounds with the concept that might seem primitive to the digital method. I think it also promotes more faithful listening practices with that hands on aspect. My friend who now is assimilated by Pi says now he listens more to vinyl than before. That I can understand. Those old Technics bookshelf speakers of his were fine at low volume level. But any realistic sound level was a horror show. Not now!
Rusty Messages: 1273 Registered: May 2018 Location: Kansas City Missouri
Illuminati (3rd Degree)
I dug out this album just to hear one track. Fleetwood Mac's Hypnotized, off of the album, Mystery To Me. Always liked the jazz style guitar of Bob Welch who also penned the song. And it is a mysterious sounding song just as he'd intended.
Wayne Parham Messages: 18845 Registered: January 2001
Illuminati (33rd Degree)
Oh, nice. Thanks for bringing that one up. I was always intrigued by the album cover but I don't own it and I'm not sure I've even heard it, except for that song, which was a hit back in the day. So I need to remedy that and check out the whole album.
Rusty Messages: 1273 Registered: May 2018 Location: Kansas City Missouri
Illuminati (3rd Degree)
Another album I picked out for one and done I forgot to put in that post was the Super Session album of Al Kooper, Mike Bloomfield and Steven Stills. Their version of Season of the Witch by Donovan.
Another spooky, mysterious tune. Guess it's the change of seasons that culled these tunes out of my cob webbed noggin.
Their version gives Donovan's a run for the money. They made it their own as the term goes.
Rusty Messages: 1273 Registered: May 2018 Location: Kansas City Missouri
Illuminati (3rd Degree)
Well now you've done it Wayne. You're gonna make me put the whammy down. Get ready for some mind bending, stretching far out man music to distant vistas in the universe.
Wayne Parham Messages: 18845 Registered: January 2001
Illuminati (33rd Degree)
Dude, that's cool. I had to do a little lookin' around to understand your reference to "his dad." Then I realized that was Jerry Lewis' kid. Too cool! Good band, good sound. Good times music!
I love that kind of music. The 60s gave us both that kind of music and the more surreal, and I like 'em both.
I bought the Fleetwood Mac album you showed above, by the way. Should be here in a few days.
Rusty Messages: 1273 Registered: May 2018 Location: Kansas City Missouri
Illuminati (3rd Degree)
Actually I'd meant that as a little joke. Every time I've ever listened a bit to Gary Lewis and his Playboys. I can't help but envisioning seeing his father in his stead singing. Kind of like from his Nutty Professor role.
But wow cool. You ordered that Fleetwood Mac album. There's more good tunes on it. But that song alone has always captured my interest from it.
Long as I'm puttin out things to hear. There's another group from the sixties that was peripheral in interest to me. A group called It's A Beautiful Day. Kind of a unique group in that they incorporated a fiddle player. But they had a hit single from their debut album that was over played on radio in the day. White Bird. Which came to grate on my nerves hearing it. Until I heard another cut from that album.
I bought a reprint of the original album, with the song, Time Is. The original album is pricey even used.
Another album I pull out usually just to play the one song.