Rusty Messages: 1273 Registered: May 2018 Location: Kansas City Missouri
Illuminati (3rd Degree)
The Russian oligarchs generally get the crude and vulgar treatment compared to our brand of obscenely rich, (oligarchs). It must of been like the wild west in the beginning days of sorting out a market economy from a diametrically different one not long past. A lot of graft and corruption. Come to think of it. We've had our share of it too. 2008 was a doozy. The bankers got off Scott free. Thanks Obama.
Rootin Tootin Vladimir Putin as I've called him has been around in high capacity leadership since 1999. He may be no angel. He may have done questionable things. But I have come to view him as a very shrewd and intelligent person. This piece from the blog, Moon of Alabama I follow shows his keen observation years before what is coming to pass now.
Rusty Messages: 1273 Registered: May 2018 Location: Kansas City Missouri
Illuminati (3rd Degree)
Good old Bill. Bill Mitchell, the principal author of macro economics Modern Monetary Theory text book. The study of how a sovereign government actually has the capacity to operate from. The real world. Not an idealized concept that neoliberalism contrived to maximize profits and entitlements to a small class of people in society.
Here's Bill in a video with him explaining his study of the social aspects of capital as it has played out principally since WWII till today. And what his doctrine of thinking of how society and government can be utilized differently than the paradox of what capitalism in the neoliberal era has achieved. That is, instead of the economy taking the primary lead in society, with government as it's enabler and society and our biosphere, (planet) in the maximization of profit. To reversing priorities with society and our planet at the forefront in concert with government and the economy being means to serve the common good.
The planet and it's biosphere has no say other than it's reaction to our affects on it. The economy is not bound towards it's stability unless profit could be gained from such activity. Traditionally our society has had little to say in how the effects of capital has had on the common good of most of the inhabitants of this planet. And government is the only arbiter of determining what the priorities should be. With capitalism's track record as it stands now, particularly under the guise of neoliberalism. Society, our planet and our economy needs an overhaul.
Rusty Messages: 1273 Registered: May 2018 Location: Kansas City Missouri
Illuminati (3rd Degree)
Very interesting accounting of the relationship between the US and Israel. Centered on the US geopolitical imperial interests historically. The Middle East is crucial for oil and container ship transport through the Suez canal. President Biden famously said as a senator in the 80's that if Israel didn't exist, we'd have to create one. In military terms, Israel is considered our land based aircraft carrier. A military staging area for potential war. Ostensibly, Iran.
Our long history of geopolitical meddling and subterfuge. Now being challenged by the BRICS coalition. The fight to control energy via American Imperialism.
Rusty Messages: 1273 Registered: May 2018 Location: Kansas City Missouri
Illuminati (3rd Degree)
Learn what finance capitalism is and what it has done to our country. Capitalism is portrayed as a one size fits all. Socialism is downplayed and portrayed as a slippery slope towards totalitarianism. Our country had during the latter part of the 19th till the post war 20th century, a mixed industrial capitalism economy. Which was promoted with the need for socialism to augment the cost of labor to make our trade competitive.
Since the late 1970's our economy has evolved into a financialized economy. Downplaying government's role in the economy. Allowing for the notion of markets being the arbiter of
guiding the economy. The principal market being the financial markets. Having outsourced industry to geoglobal center's with cheap labor.
This is a fascinating tag team of two progressive economists, Steven Keen & Michael Hudson explaining how this transition from industrial to financial economy. And what it's wrought.
Rusty Messages: 1273 Registered: May 2018 Location: Kansas City Missouri
Illuminati (3rd Degree)
Most Americans have no clue to what influence big banking has on their lives. It's the murky world of finance. Like medieval sorcerers working magic with money. It's more though a slight of hand with fraud of the public trust and bribe of the legislative process. Wall Street on Parade is one of a few journalistic sources that expose the true goings on in big finance.
The fact that private banking being a part of governmental policy making in the Federal Reserve accounts for the perpetuation of public scandal always managed to be swept under the rug.
Two legislative events have helped cause this. Repeal of the Glass Steagall Act in the Clinton administration allowed for banking and wall st. to use access of pension funds and other public investments to speculate with to their advantage. And bailouts of financial institutions when their bets go wrong.
The other legislative incentive was the Citizens United during the Bush administration and finalized by the Supreme Court. Has allowed private interest big money into political campaign funding. And the revolving door from government service to the lobbying sector. The grease to the palm in legislation.
Wall Street on Parade has a nice article to a new book exposing the Banking cartel. Busting the Bankers Club. Good luck with that.
Rusty Messages: 1273 Registered: May 2018 Location: Kansas City Missouri
Illuminati (3rd Degree)
The biggest impediment to our economic turmoil is banking. Private banking unleashed in the 1990's Clinton administration from the Glass Stiegel Act of the 1930's after the stock market crash of the 20's. The last barrier to keep private banking from unchecked speculative behavior. Resulting in total control fraud in 2008 in the housing collapse. This discussion in transcript to the video gives clues for what would be needed to realign our economy towards becoming a REAL economy again. From the fictitious financialized debt laden one we have now.
Rusty Messages: 1273 Registered: May 2018 Location: Kansas City Missouri
Illuminati (3rd Degree)
I've been watching this Youtube person for a little while now. He's a businessman, Kevin Walmsley, living in China for over a decade. An ex military and a financial tradesman that gives a very unique perspective to the Chinese miracle. It's become a nation to outperform all others and particularly our own nation for the dominance of the world's market and every other metric of social, economic, business, technical, military. Everything! How so? By blending capitalist and socialist together. Yin & yang so to speak.
Our country is in a quandary over losing its world dominance to China. It does so in a manner most unbecoming. Which has become the norm of our geopolitical behavior. China on the other hand has a philosophy toward mutual benefit in their dealings with nations. They build while we destroy. A quote from a Chinese economist. Kevin goes into the rational of what China is doing with the partnership of their government to raise the level of their people's prosperity and wellbeing and their country's world standing.
Our country could stand to learn from the Chinese rather than regard them as our adversary. The same with Russia, and Iran, and Venezuela and on and on. But we are beholden to the thought processes of a bankrupt economic philosophy and an oligarchic class of influencers in our legislative process.
So here's Kevin introducing himself for his Youtube channel. I think he's a very positive influencer myself. Why I follow his insight.
Rusty Messages: 1273 Registered: May 2018 Location: Kansas City Missouri
Illuminati (3rd Degree)
No sooner than after posting something of uplifting possibilities. I read what realities are entrenched in our government. Our 'exceptionalism' that is. A very, very tedious exercise in self deception our government promotes as a means of carrying out failed policy throughout the world. Both political parties are in bipartisan lockstep in this foolishness. The aforementioned dealings with China that serve no practical purpose weigh in on this article from the Moon of Alabama blog today.