A bug extermination person came to my front door bimonthly spraying around the house for one year and kept offering to drop the price each time I said no. I ended up buying one day of service only. Then I went to Yelp and Google and saw the complaints about this company.
How much clearer than "I can't afford this" do you have to be?
I'd get sales people knocking on the door for some sort of energy company. It's not worth their time as I don't use much electricity except for air conditioning season. They are an annoyance.
But it happened often enough that a "no soliciting" sign was put on the door.
Would you believe there are still people who knock on the door and tell me they aren't selling anything. It's still always some energy company, usually someone around 20, trying to flip you to their service.
They don't understand the premise of no soliciting so I teach them what it means.
Strum Drum Messages: 232 Registered: November 2017
I haven't experienced a door-to-door salesman in years, unless you count the students peddling candy during fundraisers. Considering how prevalent security cameras are today, I'm surprised that salesmen haven't been put out of business. I'm sure fewer people are answering the door today.
How annoying for you, noodle. I don't think I could be that polite to persistent pests.
gofar99 Messages: 1972 Registered: May 2010 Location: Southern Arizona
Illuminati (5th Degree)
Hi Folks, I am not sure I should tell this one as it may offend some folks. But since it happened a long time ago like about 1964 and possibly the practice has changed or at least the individuals are unlikely to be around. It was summer break from college and I was at my parents house. Half asleep at the time. The doorbell rang and rang. So I answered it. There were two individuals from a local church at the door. Dressed to look like folks in need. They were selling pamphlets to raise funds for their church. They had been pests before according to my mother. About once a month for a long time. She stopped answering the door when she spotted them. They wanted to know if I wanted any of the pamphlets....I said no. Then they proceeded to tell me why I should want to help them. Again I said no. Then they asked what my religion was. I said none (being truthful to strangers has never been a big thing with me). They paused...then they wanted to know if I believe in God (similar response for similar reason). They kind of looked horrified but undeterred. Then they asked if I read the Bible. Again no. They asked why. I said I didn't own one. They then tried to sell me one. I refused. That apparently was the final straw. They turned around and left. They never came back. I suspect they put a hex on the house or something like that. My mother BTW was grateful. Moving up to the present...it seems that religious, political and energy folks don't think the several signs on my front door apply to them. Some things never change.
Rusty Messages: 1273 Registered: May 2018 Location: Kansas City Missouri
Illuminati (3rd Degree)
I was at the gymnasium the other day, huff'n & puff'n away and watching a piece done by National Geographic on one of the tv monitors with caption. Profiling heroin use in Boston. One young man's fix gig was to do the popular intersection panhandling. He said he could make a couple hundred dollars on a good day. Enough to get his fix and some folding cash. I've wondered why people do this kind of gig as you'll see them in all kinds of weather. Looking pitiful. Which they are. Strung out on drugs and sliding down a razor blade.
I don't oblige them.