I've heard that this discrimination is the last "acceptable" one because it's hard to prove. When it happens, you sense it but can't back it up with a paper trail or other tangible data.
Have you ever wondered if you lost a work or other opportunity because of your age?
Rusty Messages: 1273 Registered: May 2018 Location: Kansas City Missouri
Illuminati (3rd Degree)
Not particularly. I know it happens. Probably more with entertainment and the glass ceiling of the corporate world. But I sure as Hades felt that I was taken advantage of while I was working. And it was indiscriminate to age, sex, race or religion. It was all about maximizing income flow for the private equity outfit controlling where I and the rest of us where I worked.
Wayne Parham Messages: 18845 Registered: January 2001
Illuminati (33rd Degree)
It is certainly an issue in engineering and in information technology. There's a "sweet spot" that's most attractive between 10 and 20 years out of college. But that's understandable to me, because that's an age where you would naturally still be full of zeal and wanting to build your career, yet having some years of experience and the wisdom that comes with it.
When I was a young teenager, I knew a man from the church I attended who became a technical mentor to me. His name is Mike McNatt, and was an electrical engineer. At the time, he was in that "sweet spot." He is now 77 years of age and he is still employed as an electrical engineer. He rides bikes long distance like a 30 year old too.
So with the proper attitude, even with the inherent agism in high-tech fields, a guy can be competitive. But you definitely don't see many 77-year-old electrical engineers, still employed as engineers.
Mulcahy Messages: 38 Registered: May 2021 Location: Queens, NY
I'm thinking it's worse if you're a woman. The whole look-ism thing. I do see articles about older job hunters getting callbacks, then guess what? Zoom interview, camera on, the first time the head hunter notices the face on the other end has some wrinkles and whatnot. Interview rounds end after that polite Zoom session.
gofar99 Messages: 1972 Registered: May 2010 Location: Southern Arizona
Illuminati (5th Degree)
Hi, I'm sure it occurs. Fortunately it did not to me. I didn't make it to senior management until is was 63 and company manager at 65. After that I decided I no longer had to work for my lunch and bailed out. Since I am still active in electronics design, audio systems, and even jog 5 times a week I figure I could go back to work if needed. Fat chance though. I have been enjoying doing whatever I wanted to do on any day for the last 13 years. I hope you all have the same experiences.
It hasn't happened to me (yet), but I know it's a real issue. I have a friend who was very experienced in their field (hospitality), but was denied an opportunity for being in their 50s. The job was given to a younger, less talented and less experienced person.