What would be some cool shapes for speakers that would not diminish sound quality? I'll have some time on my hands in a few months to tinker around with it, and all I can come up with are circles and octagons.
Wayne Parham Messages: 18835 Registered: January 2001
Illuminati (33rd Degree)
Some loudspeakers are made in irregular shapes to breakup internal standing waves. I think that is a good idea, but I have found that through careful dimensions, damping material and driver locations, a "good old" rectangular cabinet can be made free of anomalies from standing waves.
Strum Drum Messages: 229 Registered: November 2017
Do you think the wiring goes throughout the design, or is it usually just a high-end, rectangular speaker that's been encased in decorative material? I've seen several incredible designs over the years, particularly at theme parks.