Funny thing that always happens, problems arise only in the parts that you thought they were easy. I actually had difficulty in mounting the crossover. MDF doesn't take kindly tightening screws, even when the correct pilot hole is being used. I did screw the crossover correctly however because the PCB was bending I could not fully tighten it down. The screws went into the wood around 5mm. I just hope it will hold. I did some stress testing (), that is trying to take it of by force but it seemed pretty stable. We'll see how that goes I guess.
The insulation is also done. I hope I did everything correctly. In one of the speakers there is a gap of around 0.5-1.0 cm where the bottom back insulation meets the bracing board. I hope that's ok. The cable you see running is for the de250, obviously. I had the idea to put some duct insulation around it just in case it somehow bangs again anything hard inside.
And finally here is a video of the finished pi logos! My friend sent me this I don't have them here. Again, this is platinum plated brass. I am still thinking on how to mount these, I will probably use superglue.
Wayne Parham Messages: 18838 Registered: January 2001
Illuminati (33rd Degree)
I hear you on the screws into MDF. When I use wood screws on MDF, I limit the clamping force to "just a smidge" - 'cause that's all you can really expect from MDF. But then again, you don't need any clamping force for the crossover board. It just needs to be attached.
All the cabling is now done. I also masked them with some tape for the painting process as they are going to be professionally spray painted. I am going to the shop tomorrow. There's now light at the end of the tunnel.
Looking back at it, it was hard work, much harder than I initially though. Worst part of it is that it requires BOTH heavy and precision work. So you're tired from lifting, tightening etc and then you have to work with mm tolerances. It would be much easier if I just took my time but I really want to listen to them!
The speakers are going to be a bit delayed unfortunately. Due to supply chain issues there is a shortage on a specific component of the paint.
However the project is still somewhat alive as I received the stands today. These are custom made by sheet metal. I filled the tube with kitty litter but there's noticeable ringing. I hope it'll be ok. They weight around 25kg (55 pounds).
These are 21cm tall on the front side, they are inclined by 5 degrees. Including the decoupling solution these will be 25cm tall (10in).
These have M10 threads for spikes but I have a suspended wooden floor and therefore I ordered some rubber feet made by Hudson hi-fi designed for the specific load. We'll see how everything will work.
I should also have the logos by the end of the week.
This a close up of the binding posts. In retrospect I should have used a speakon instead.
These feet made by hudson hi-fi do a good job decoupling them from the suspended wooden floor.
And the pi logo in all its glory
This is the first speaker I 've ever built. Not bad for a first time I guess. Results aside to me the most valuable thing was to get some knowledge. 6 months ago I knew about nothing on how speakers are built or work. This is just invaluable.
Rusty Messages: 1264 Registered: May 2018 Location: Kansas City Missouri
Illuminati (3rd Degree)
WOWIE ZOWIE! That commands a presence. I bet the sound will too. Your attention to detail is commendable. As the old baseball saying goes. You hit it outta the park! Please reveal your take on how they sound after they and you get settled in with them.
I like the Dali watch draped over the shelf too.