An old Altec ad touting how small the A7 speaker was and how easy it was to get past the significant other. Up until now I had no idea the A7 was so little.
Strum Drum Messages: 232 Registered: November 2017
Oh, so golden ears were a thing back then, too. That's interesting. I like old ads. It's amazing to see how far we've come - both with technology and with complaining about wives as the spoilers of fun.
gofar99 Messages: 1973 Registered: May 2010 Location: Southern Arizona
Illuminati (5th Degree)
Hi Everyone, I have a pair of the Altec Magnificents. They are really "small" at 7.5 cubic feet each. I had to rebuild them as there were no drivers. They use the same drivers as most other Altecs (15 inch woofer and horn for everything else). While they are not going to make me get rid of my electrostatics, they do have a really nice sound. That vintage, smooth sound that is easy to listen to. They are a bit heavy (nearly 250 pounds each) and do not lend themselves to most listening rooms. I have mine in corners. I got replacement woofers from Great Plains Audio. They are exactly like the OEM ones. (now really expensive getting into the range of the OEM ones) I could not find any of the actual tweeters at any price below that of a good motorcycle. So I used Radian compression drivers with SEOS wave guides. Just a few watts produces massive sound. Bottom end is about 22HZ and top is off scale.