My friend brought over their system and we played it in the kitchen. It sounded totally different than it did in the living room. She said it even sounds different at her place (she has paneling). Do appliances really make things sound so different? The walls are the same from my kitchen to my living room.
Wayne Parham Messages: 18835 Registered: January 2001
Illuminati (33rd Degree)
Rooms definitely have a big influence on the sound. Think about how things sound in a small room (like a bathroom) compared to a large room (like an auditorium).
The most significant influence is from room modes and self-interference from boundaries. To learn about these things, do searches here on the forum and on the internet at large for room modes, SBIR and self-interference.
Yeah, it seems that the room where the speaker would be played will affect how the sound will turn out. Some descriptions of speakers sometimes even mention their compatibility with rooms.
I knew that different rooms and different things in rooms affected the way things sounded but I've never seen speakers come with that information. That is cool, use this speaker in the kitchen or bathroom. Heck I have not listened to an AM radio in forever.
It's amazing how furniture and other decorative materials affects the room's sound quality. My wife bought a large, ugly sculpture in the living room, but it had to be moved because it was creating an echo effect.