Do you think there will ever come a day when a home theatre setup, like the kind you see in a theatre, will be so commonplace that the price will reflect that?
Do you think it will ever be priced for the common man?
That seems probable because, similar to the case of cellphones, not everyone had it before. People viewed it as a luxury, but now, it's also a necessity, especially with the ongoing pandemic.
I would also think that it is possible. The problem though is that things change so often so would everyone want to buy one? You would constantly want to upgrade your system.
I can see more people buying into a home theater too. People love movies and going to the theater. A lot of our theaters did not open back up yet. I can see people creating these at home (if they have the space).
Strum Drum Messages: 229 Registered: November 2017
No, not the huge room size with theater seats. I mean, who would even sit in all those chairs? I think that many homeowners have begun investing in a nice entertainment room with a big screen TV and excellent sound system, but I can't see it going much further than that.
gofar99 Messages: 1969 Registered: May 2010 Location: Southern Arizona
Illuminati (5th Degree)
HT has been going on for a goodly while. Well before the pandemic. Often it was a "man cave" but there were other names. My general feeling is that it may actually be going downhill not up. DVD disks are losing sales and streaming is up. Often on small screen devices like tablets. Just today a major streaming service raised its rates by 40%. I would expect others to follow. The equipment needed for a good HT setup is not all that costly now. A pretty good receiver can be had for $200-300US. Rear speakers are often really inexpensive and the rest are not all that costly. A reasonable complete 5.1 set of speakers can be had for around $500-600. Since many folks will already have a decent stereo system the costs could be a lot less. The remaining issue is source material. Someone with an existing BlueRay player has several options. Those without can do streaming. All this has been possible (except for streaming) for at least 10 years. I have a high end 5.1 and a 7.1 in y shed that are over 10 years old now. I tried it and found much of the hype just that and much of the source material not all that great. I grant that some newer material is probably better. YMMV
Rusty Messages: 1253 Registered: May 2018 Location: Kansas City Missouri
Illuminati (3rd Degree)
I don't think the comparison of movie theater to home theater is relevant. Who has the space? And like gofar says, it's been around for some time and is affordable to most people. Streaming maybe the mode of delivery now. But the monopoly of providers may hit a wall of consumer revolt like cable provides did. I get along pretty well with free streaming. I don't have to just have what ever is blockbuster new at any given moment.
But if you want a real theater experience, unless your wealthy and can build your own theater. Go to the cinema.