We've had many experiences with sound because it's something that's just there even if you don't do anything. Contrarily, it is the thing that would make you move like when you'd be ordered by your boss or other people. It also stimulates our emotions that anticipations can form at the start of a movie. How sensitive do you find yourself when it comes to sounds?
The peculiar thing is that when sound effects in movies and TV shows are done well, then they're hardly noticeable. At least not on the conscious level. They affect my response to the stimuli just the same, though.
Although I don't necessarily show my emotions when a piece of familiar music comes up, it can easily make me remember memories and emotions that I've associated it with. It somehow takes me back in time to the situations when I would often listen to that song.
I was just thinking about this exact thing this morning on my way to work. I had the radio (Sirius) on the 80s station and a song came on and took me to the exact place I was when I used to listen to that song back then.
Sound does affect us all, some good and some bad.
Professional drivers will tell you that sounds can prevent accidents.
You can hear most motorcycles before you see them.
The screeching of tires can alert you to a possible accident nearby.
With the sound off in the vehicle, you can listen to the sounds of the vehicle which may indicate something is wrong.
All this while scanning traffic all around and making sure movements match sounds.
That's why they're called "professional" drivers.
It's a good thing that professional drivers can utilize sounds in that way. Unlike in the case of other drivers, some get startled by alarming sounds instead of using it as a signal.
I wish everyone on the road were that conscientious. We wouldn't have any accidents at all.
I have a cooler/heating unit in my home, and there are a number of sounds I have gotten used to that the unit makes. They all tell me that the unit is in good, working order.