It eased me too when I chose to sit still in the sun and just listened to the background. My mind also got cleared from overthinking, which has been happening a lot because of lockdown.
I agree! The lovely sounds of nature are so effective for helping me relax and clear my mind. I also find walking outside and listening to nature's music meditative. Some of my best ideas I dream up while walking.
Whether it's morning or night, it's always calming to get lost in the sounds of nature. That's maybe one of the reasons why people living in rural areas are more relaxed. When I would go for a jog at night, looking at the stars and observing the sound of my surroundings helps me regain my senses after getting tired.
Rusty Messages: 1273 Registered: May 2018 Location: Kansas City Missouri
Illuminati (3rd Degree)
Didja know there are only 12, maybe just 10 true unfettered places in the USA that are without manmade noises. And the researcher hunting for such places will only reveal 3 of them. Why? To help preserve what is left hopefully.
I know where I live it's not really possible to exclude traffic mainly or other human produced noise from the natural surrounding. I've found nice little pockets from my trail walking, but if you stayed long enough and listened. Whoops there it is.
Nice article...