Many people have a household budget that itemizes for spending;for both needs and wants. Do you make a separate category for all things audio? From the main stereo unit down to needle cleaners?
Rusty Messages: 1254 Registered: May 2018 Location: Kansas City Missouri
Illuminati (3rd Degree)
I've always been budget conscious with any purchase. I don't have a money tree near me. But, I've managed with some diy, and not being compulsive, to usually get what I want. The diy part in particular has made me satisfied with what I've got, and that personal sweat equity aspect that someone whom buys and forever is trading up trying to find that brass ring, holy grail misses. Isn't that why there's Audiogon?
gofar99 Messages: 1969 Registered: May 2010 Location: Southern Arizona
Illuminati (5th Degree)
Hi, That is certainly desirable, but I don't. Most of the time if I want something I just buy it. Usually though I first research it to see if it does something I "need".
I would love to get there someday because, at the moment, I categorize anything to do with audio as a need and not a want. Do you rely on user reviews when researching something you need to buy?
Rusty Messages: 1254 Registered: May 2018 Location: Kansas City Missouri
Illuminati (3rd Degree)
Do you rely on user reviews when researching something you need to buy?
A bit. I guess that can be fraught with phony users. But a large ratio of positive to negative is helpful to form a notion to buy. As long as the positive ratio isn't baited with phony positives. I don't go by advertising or commercial reviews. They're paid off by and large by the merchandiser I think. Forums can be useful too for good opinions sometimes. Also, some consumer oriented sites can have good insight into the pro's and con's. I tend to get weary of just going through the maize of info. I hemmed and hawed for months buying a smart tv. Checking things out. Finally I just went to Costco and bought one. So far so good.
I would love to though I find myself impulse buying at times. The advantage of quality stuff is that they can for a long time without malfunctioning. As for the low-budget items, I grab one or two whenever I come across them. Anything audio, for me, is a need!