Rusty Messages: 1263 Registered: May 2018 Location: Kansas City Missouri
Illuminati (3rd Degree)
A reluctance of any governmental regulation to business practices and vetting products for consumption or use. A conscious current mindset of authorities. The opioid crisis, new airliners plowing into the ground, medications that cause harmful side effects. The idea that regulations stifles business as if nature itself is devoid of regulation is folly. Like nature, a balance or homeostasis, the very way your body operates seems to be lacking.
Rusty Messages: 1263 Registered: May 2018 Location: Kansas City Missouri
Illuminati (3rd Degree)
Yes, dark. For me, it's disgust. For close to the 350 people that spent the last minutes of their daylight in terror before being smashed into the ground because of a lack of regulatory efforts due to a political-economic mindset. The pharmaceutical hijacking of ones livelihood without price controls is another. The vaping thing now, from the get go, a questionably vetted product whose oversight or testing before being put on the market shows the wholesale mantra of the invisible hand of the marketplace being the main regulatory agent. In economics, this is known as neoliberalism. A term that is misleading due to the noun used in the latter part of the word. Sorry to extend the darkness somewhat with my rant. I just think the economic paradigm of our society needs some spiffing up to better serve the needs of the bulk of us.
Yes, spiffing up. In my opinion, it needs a complete overhaul from the top down. We have too many people pulling those strings who lack empathy. Without empathy for others you will not make decisions in the best interest of others. Only yourself, and this is why everything is so upside down and backwards.
It seems like more than just a coincidence that illnesses are rising along with the number of arrests of people who make the liquids and cartridges on their own.
I know a lot of people that vape. They don't see a problem with it. With all these illnesses being reported, there is no way I would do it. In NY, they are trying to pass a law to stop the sales of the flavored vape juice.
Yes, spiffing up. In my opinion, it needs a complete overhaul from the top down. We have too many people pulling those strings who lack empathy. Without empathy for others you will not make decisions in the best interest of others. Only yourself, and this is why everything is so upside down and backwards.
A socialist leader who is also a good person is what you're asking for. And I agree, that is about the only way you will stop corporate greed.