Strum Drum Messages: 229 Registered: November 2017
My county hosts a news segment on our local radio station. There's no outrage or sensationalism. It's incredibly useful and for the most part unbiased. I haven't found a radio station that covers the national news in the same manner, but maybe there's a podcast that fits the bill? I'd like to find a podcast that is objective, that just discusses the facts of what is going on in the world. It would be great if it covered some of the good things that are happening instead of focusing on gloom and doom all the time. Negativity is all I'm seeing on every televised news program, and it's demoralizing. Any suggestions? Am I asking too much from a podcast?
You might be asking too much from people in general. It seems like all news leans to one side or the other. The podcast "Slate's Political Gabfest" tries to be as objective as they can be. They do a pretty decent job. It's the best I've found so far at least.
A news podcast without sensationalism and without biased opinions (one way or the other) would be well worth listening too. But I think the negative news would have to be in there just as much as the positive - or else that would be selective reporting. Maybe it should have 2 sections: one for upbeat news reports and another for the doom and gloom stuff.
Strum Drum Messages: 229 Registered: November 2017
I agree Sam W., but the reporter should say it without adding their personal opinion or using dramatic language and should just state the facts. Didn't it used to be this way? As a kid growing up, I remember the news being just news. Maybe that's seen through a nostalgic lens though.
It used to be that way once upon a time, Strum Drum. We don't get the news anymore, we get editorials that pretend to be otherwise. The podcast "Left, Right, and Center" has three hosts (one that's left, one that's right, and one that's center) and they discuss political events. It's not unbiased by any means but it allows all sides to get a voice. I like that they included someone from the center because you never get to hear from moderates anymore.
All of the ones I know of have some kind of slant but there are some that have less of a slant than others. "Politico Nerdcast" is a pretty good one that focuses solely on politics. The podcast "What in the World?" is a comedy news podcast that is informative and funny at the same time.