I need knobs for three different radios that are no longer in production. I can't cannibalize knobs from a different radio, I've tried. Where do you all get your dials and knobs? I've checked on Ebay and can't find what I'm after. What about Radio Daze or Renovated Radios? Are either of them reliable?
gofar99 Messages: 1969 Registered: May 2010 Location: Southern Arizona
Illuminati (5th Degree)
Hi, I get stuff from their commercial side as well. Good folks. They may still be printing a catalog ...worth asking. A great source for guitar parts and bare guitar speakers as well.
Antique Radio Supply is a great place. I've used them once or twice, my dad swears by them. He (dad) also trawls garage sales and house clearances - it's a bit hit and miss, but he's sometimes found little radio gems that he could not otherwise source.
Thanks for pointing me towards a reputable online store. Before Radio Shack closed up shop, I could always head there for parts and doodads. What they didn't have on hand, the manger would order and half the time they could fix whatever was wrong for a fee.
Ah, Radio Shack. I really miss that place sometimes. Were you able to find what you needed at Antique Radio Supply? If not, I have a friend who used Radio Daze in the past and she had a good experience with them.
I still think Radio Shack should have "re-purposed" their brand and turned into a niche company. Get an online precence and just marry the old with the new.