Thank you. Looks like the Alpha 10A supersedes the Alpha 10. Everything looks the same except the 10A is a little lighter in weight and there is a material difference in recommended vented enclosure size with the 10A being a better fit for these plans. What do you think?
Wayne Parham Messages: 18792 Registered: January 2001
Illuminati (33rd Degree)
The 8Ω version of the Alpha 10 has always been called the Alpha 10A. There is also a 16Ω version called the Alpha 10B. I often omit the suffix when discussing Eminence drivers because I always use the 8Ω variant.
Eminence sometimes changes their standard products in minor ways. I've seen them do it several times over the years. But they're good at maintaining the same electro-mechanical properties so that production changes do not adversely affect existing designs.