My daughters enjoy playing music, but it gets expensive for instruments, music sheets, and lessons. I saw an ad in the paper from a lady who is selling a used harp. The price is good compared to what I'd need to pay for a new one, and my daughters have expressed interest in it. However, it will be a pain to pick up and get it home. I'm also not sure what shape it's in. Is it okay to buy a used harp? Will someone like a guitar fixer be able to fix the strings on the harp? I don't want to buy something if I'm unable to find someone to maintain it.
I think it's perfectly okay, but I would definitely check it out in person before officially paying for it. I'm not super experienced with harps, but I would imagine that any problematic wear and tear would be pretty apparent. I would try calling some stores that provide instruments around you and ask them if they do harp repairs. I'm sure they could at least point you in the right direction if they cannot.