Not just games with good soundtracks, what games do you know where music is actually part of the gameplay. I can think of Eternal Sonata, and Ephemeral Fantasia, but not many others.
Rockband? Guitar Hero? They are music-based and I spend way too long on them. There's a new one due soon. Wonder if you could use the controllers to actually make your own music?
Wonder if you could use the controllers to actually make your own music?
You can do just about anything else these days with those systems, so why not? That would be a pretty good development actually. It might get kids more involved with music.
There's this one game called Jazz Smash and it is one of my favorites. It is not about making music or playing music exactly, but it is basically smashing objects to a rhythmic tune that is playing. So even though it is not playing an instrument directly, it is very musical and got an awesome beat to it. You unlock new things to smash as you progress, and there is a jazz tune and a rock tune. It's an app on Android, Google Play, and Ios.
I only know of Rock Band and Guitar Hero. Oh, no, wait, the Zelda games include it as part of the gameplay. It's not a huge part of the game but it's definitely essential. I'm with you, Kingfish, that sounds like something that would totally be plausible and a great learning tool for kids, or anyone really. Jazz Smash sounds really cool!
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time features a bunch of tunes that you have to memorize. They are essential for progress in the game and are involved very frequently. You even get to compose your own song if you find a special scarecrow; this allows you to access more areas in the game.