How radios work and what comes on them are changing everyday. What do you miss about radios that are starting to disappear? (The variety of stations, the talk shows, etc.)
I miss the community aspect of old school radio. Now there's just so much division and too much variety. A station for men who hate liberals and women. A station for Christian teens who only want to hear other Christian teens. A station for women who hate Democrats and other women, but love 80's music. And on and on it goes. Stations used to center around the type of music that was played. Now, it's divided up by the audience and DJ personality. You never hear the other side of the story that way. You never learn anything new.
Leot55, sometimes I couldn't even 'feel' the personality of the host. At some point, the talks were superficial and unimportant. It sounded like gossips. Maybe it was meant to be casual from the beginning, but without insight, I found myself feeling less interested and eventually drifted away.
gofar99 Messages: 1972 Registered: May 2010 Location: Southern Arizona
Illuminati (5th Degree)
For all you ex-(and present) East coast fans from days gone by...
Submarine race watching (actually listening) with cousin "Brucie" on WABC 770 AM in New York. A power house station that covered many states. Great 60s and 70s rock. For a while there was a channel on XM that carried some of the old shows right down to the commercials.....when was the last time you heard a Reingold beer commercial?
I miss the kind of personalities that were suited for radio. Nowadays, we don't have a lot of this. Most of the hosts really got there because of their popularity.
You never hear the other side of the story that way. You never learn anything new.
People like that don't want to. They just want validation for their own views.
You're right though. With more choices come more divisiveness and we all seem to be growing apart from each other. They call it progress, and from a technical standpoint it might be. But not from a personal standpoint it seems like we are devolving.
I miss the community aspect of old school radio. Now there's just so much division and too much variety. A station for men who hate liberals and women. A station for Christian teens who only want to hear other Christian teens. A station for women who hate Democrats and other women, but love 80's music. And on and on it goes. Stations used to center around the type of music that was played. Now, it's divided up by the audience and DJ personality. You never hear the other side of the story that way. You never learn anything new.
I agree with you completely. There's too much variety and a lot of biased opinions. I feel that objectivity has (somewhat) been lost along the way.
Kirkman Messages: 10 Registered: August 2017 Location: Florida
I find that I dislike the majority of DJs on the air. They don't seem to have any personality and just make bad puns. Also, the ones that play music seem to stick to the same 20 songs or so. It's part of why I don't listen to the radio much.
Also, the ones that play music seem to stick to the same 20 songs or so. It's part of why I don't listen to the radio much.
I agree with you completely. I feel like there is only the same 'hits' played over and over again, and actually good songs don't get played. I've liked a song and then began to dislike it due to the amount of times I've heard it. It drives me insane, so I usually stick to streaming music.
Oh, well, I think I miss good music most of all. I also miss the days when there were fewer commercials. Sometimes in the morning, I miss the banter of the morning talk shows. Those might still be around, but I sure can't find any in my area.