How much of a problem is room gain in a small room with strong subwoofers? A room I was working on just didn't sound right no matter what subwoofer was in, but it looks like the subwoofers I tried might be too powerful for the room's accoustics. Are there any tools to detect or assess problems like this?
Wayne Parham Messages: 18831 Registered: January 2001
Illuminati (33rd Degree)
A constrained space will increase SPL by virtue of directivity. But room modes in a small room will cause large deviations in SPL because of room modes. Some places will be very loud and some very soft at a given bass frequency. So the best thing to do is to install multiple subwoofers to smooth the sound field in the modal region.
That makes sense. So smaller and many is the way to go. I just hope I can do this within budget, and I'm very glad I'm within the return-and-exchange period.