Here's a head-scratcher for you. What would you think if you saw a commercial that had no sound at all to it? Nobody verbally pitching a music....nothing. It seemed to be produced for the sole purpose of getting its message across by video images only, so it would be played out differently than the standard commercial.
Do you think it would be a daring marketing move? Or annoying?
I think it would resonate well with most people. How come no one has ever thought of this? Infact, I always believe that a message is efficiently passed across through images.
I think the acting would have to be better than usual. Sometimes I'll wake up with the T.V. on and the sound off, watch a few commercials and think how cheesy the people are acting.
It would kind of freak me out though if, one morning I did this, I turned up the volume and nothing would change.
Whatever the effect would be on people, whether they were annoyed or amused by it, they would certainly remember it because it's different so I guess it would have done its job.
Most ad firms use sound as the hook to get people looking at the screen for the visuals. Since this means each ad tries to "out-loud" the one before (why the volume seems to go up for commercial breaks) a sudden silence might do more to draw attention than anything else.
That is a good way to see the inverse in it, vhf. It would be a bold move to make, so only a bold company would be the first one to try out the method.
gofar99 Messages: 1969 Registered: May 2010 Location: Southern Arizona
Illuminati (5th Degree)
Hi, I have seen so many commercials that the visual message has no relationship to the product. Try turning off the sound and see if the images relate to the product. I usually mute all commercials and it is often difficult to tell what is being advertised until it gets to a logo at the end.