Has anyone else noticed the longer advertisement spaces inserted into radio programs? I used to be able to enjoy some good songs during my drive home from work but, nowadays, it's more like I'm tuning in to advertisements.
I've been noticing the same thing too. It seems like every channel I change it to nowadays I'm listening to commercials and not music. I'm starting to understand why people purchase Sirius Satellite or use their iPods for long drives.
gofar99 Messages: 1969 Registered: May 2010 Location: Southern Arizona
Illuminati (5th Degree)
Yup, It is why I use Sirus/XM. The sound quality is in the MP3 range, but that is sufficient in the car. Their occasional station ID is usually innocuous. There is a special going on now for $99 for the first year. The added cost of a device if you don't have one is not too bad. I have a portable one and can use it in the house as well. Right now it is playing light jazz. Many new cars already have it as a choice on their info centers.
Good observation. While each advertisements don't get longer, there are more advertisements number inserted in between the songs. Like, two songs and five advertisements, or something like that. They even cut the songs for the ads before it's over! It's kind of annoying.
Absolutely. Whatever happened to the good old days is anyone's wonder but I think advertisements have taken a huge chunk of radio schedules. Keeping up with the times, perhaps?
Yes I've definitely noticed the increase of advertisements and their length as well. I do understand that the stations need to make revenue though. If there weren't so many or if the ads weren't minutes long I wouldn't mind, but they usually are not. Another annoyance of mine is how much the hosts chit-chat between songs about nothing as well. This is why I normally use internet radio where there are less ads and they can be skipped...
What is even more frustrating is that all the stations play their ads at the same time.
As for talking between - while chit-chat can get in the way of enjoying the music, I DO miss how they used to say, "That was..." and give the title of the song and the artist after a song. Sometimes I just would like to know that information!