When you are in traffic and driving, what do you normally do? I always carry a book in my car and this is always a good opportunity to flip through a few pages. When not reading, I always switch the music on.
I've always thought about reading a book, but then I'm afraid that I would miss an opportunity to move because I'm so wrapped up in it. Whenever this happens to me I normally just turn up the music and start singing to pass the time. It's much more relaxing this way.
It's always great to have stuff ready to do for when you get stuck in traffic, that way you're more likely to stay calm and stress-free no matter how long you're stuck there. I keep some audio books and some self-development cds in the car so that I can feel that something positive comes from even being stuck in traffic.
I'm able to have my phone connected to my car via Bluetooth, so when I'm stuck in traffic I normally listen to audiobooks or podcasts that I have downloaded. It's a nice way to start my day as well. For work I have a long commute especially in the morning time so this does happen fairly often.
I love multi tasking and even while I'm driving I'm usually listening to personal development audios. When I'm stuck in traffic I take out a puzzle book and do that while listening.