I have a lot of friends who find musicals so boring and they refuse to sit through one with me, but I love them and I prefer them to most other types of movies. What's your take?
Some musicals are better than othes, and maybe you just need to expose your friends to some of the more exciting and fun ones you've seen. I didn't like them in the beginning but now I do after watching Chigago and Burlesque.
I love musicals. I remember going to see a few live in college when my friends were performing. That really got me hooked. Also, if you've ever seen one on Broadway, you'll be amazed at the quality of the performers.
I love musicals, especially when I can sit back and pick out how they have worked the themes through the soundtrack and into the songs. Disney's Hunchback of Notre Dame was really good for this, but I've got DVDs from Bugsy Malone to Chicago and they all handle it differently.
In the theatre, musicals can be really amazing, depending on the direction. Cats wasn't as good as I'd expected, but Chicago in the theatre was amazing.