A spin-off from this topic (How much do you spend on headphones?) there were a lot of people saying headphones don't last long, which is something I'd noticed as well. The longest I've had any last was a year. How long do they last for you? Do expensive ones make a difference?
Well, the longest I have ever had headphones was one year as well. On the flip side, I think it depends on how they are handled. They are quite delicate, remember?
For me, it depends on how and where you use your earphones. I mainly use them when I am in the car but not when outdoors. I have had my current earphones for three years now.
They don't. I mean I'm always listening to MP3s, so I can go through headphones in a few months. Accidents or just plain wear does for them so quickly. Maybe I should get a job as a tester!
gofar99 Messages: 1973 Registered: May 2010 Location: Southern Arizona
Illuminati (5th Degree)
Hi, I use good phones and they last several years. Budget phones use budget connectors and wire not to mention the housings. Better phones (not the extremely costly ones) use much better parts and that translates into longer life. For me it is a clear case of you get what you pay for. YMMV