How can I, as a listener, determine the best listening volume? I understand that if you have some audio equipment and you are listening to some music at some levels, this could damage your hearing ability.
I have never heard of a recommended listening volume but I love having most of my audio equipment at reasonable sound levels. Ever seen those people who love to have their volumes at unreasonably loud levels?
I prefer to listen to music using an earphone or headset because I can hear all the sounds clearly. I pick the smallest possible volume so I can hear the basses or additional sounds properly. It doesn't need to be too loud if it's closer to your ears.
I prefer to listen to music using an earphone or headset because I can hear all the sounds clearly. I pick the smallest possible volume so I can hear the basses or additional sounds properly. It doesn't need to be too loud if it's closer to your ears.
I listen to music only through a headset and it is important to listen at the lowest volume so as not to damage the ears in the long run. I am awaiting a new pair of bluetooth headsets that I ordered online.
I don't know if there is an actual recommended sound level per se, I just normally listen to my music where ever I feel it is comfortable. I definitely listen to it at a different volume if I am wearing headphones, though because I have very sensitive ears.
gofar99 Messages: 1973 Registered: May 2010 Location: Southern Arizona
Illuminati (5th Degree)
Hi, While there are standards for occupational sound levels they really don't apply to typical music listening. For me it depends on what I'm doing. It will vary from quiet background level while computing or reading to a moderate level when doing serious listening. If it is so loud that you can't talk (not shout) over it then IMO it is too loud. Not enjoyable. I value my ears too much to subject them to that and if it is at someone else's place and they won't reduce the level, I leave.