Fortunately for me, I still have my old radio that was gifted to me by my father during my 21st birthday. It is old but gives me such wonderful memories. Do people still buy radios in this age? It seems we are now all going with the built-in radios.
I still have my old radio that I hardly listen to because the home theater has a built in radio and it becomes easy to switch between different options. There are radios in almost all components so I do not see an instance where people are going to purchase radios anymore.
gofar99 Messages: 1973 Registered: May 2010 Location: Southern Arizona
Illuminati (5th Degree)
Hi, Perhaps not as often as before. I have a few around the house but really like a Cambridge Audio high definition table radio. It gets AM, FM and HDFM. Really nice sound. Lots of features like display of the music playing (if the station sends it) a spectrum analyzer type display, bass, treb control, clock, ) It is even remote controlled. Has inputs for external signal (like a CD), output for phones, and digital audio. It is also able to run on 12 VDC. Normal operation is 120AC. It weighs quite a bit and has a very powerful output. It was about $140 about 6 years ago. If you need a radio I would look for a used one as I believe they are discontinued now.
Seriously though, I still have a NAD stereo receiver that I use on my system for light background listening. And now, I've started using streaming "tuners" on my home hifi too. Same purpose for me - light background listening. Nothing like BluRay or vinyl sources, of course, but pretty good for walkin' around music.