Wayne Parham Messages: 18787 Registered: January 2001
Illuminati (33rd Degree)
Your chart with the green plot is what the response looks like when measured in the forward lobe. The forward lobe is between +/-20° of the center of the speaker, normal to the baffle.
At the edges of the lobe, you'll see nulls like your red measurement charts show. Then as you move the microphone further outside the pattern, you'll move into the secondary lobes. Response in the secondary lobes has no nulls but HF is rolled off.
You can see measurement of these lobes and nulls in the "Vertical Nulls" video at the link below:
You may have had polarity right initially, but measured in one of the nulls that are 20° above or below the forward centerline. Please see the notes in the crossover schematic for wiring. The 2226H should be connected with red to 2- and black to 2+, which seems backwards. The DE250 also is connected like this, with black to 1+ and red to 1-.