I'm assuming that most of the guys who come here, that you would consider that you have a good ear? Otherwise, what point is there in buying the high end gear, if you can't tell the difference anyway.
Kenwoody Messages: 105 Registered: February 2013 Location: United States
I think I have a pretty good ear to distinguish quality from volume, but I'm pretty sure everyone who gets into audio equipment says that! My problem is I can distinguish it just well enough to get my wallet into trouble, ha!
Lazarus K. Messages: 2 Registered: April 2014 Location: OHIO, USA
While most people claim to have good hearing, it is advisable that anyone over the age of thirty should have audio testing by an ENT specialist as part of their normal medical checkups. Our penchant for loud music at Discos make for progressive hearing loss.
To be happy practice compassion, to make others happy practice compassion - Dalai Lama of Tibet
Round2 Messages: 108 Registered: September 2013 Location: Canada
My ear for music is okay. My hearing isn't as good as when I was younger. Even if you don't have an ear for music you will still be able to tell good equipment from bad. The sound is just clearer and better with better equipment.
I agree Round2, the older I get the less I can hear. Not to mention the damage of all the loud music I've heard throughout my lifetime. I can still tell you what sound system sounds better though.