Do you ever loan any audio gear to friends? Why or why not? Did you ever have any bad experiences with loaning equipment? Do you lay any ground rules before loaning gear?
gofar99 Messages: 1969 Registered: May 2010 Location: Southern Arizona
Illuminati (5th Degree)
Hi, Sure. Anything except turntables (because of the ease of damaging the cartridge) and vinyl. Most everything else is robust and even if damaged can be easily fixed. I also find most audiophiles pretty honest so the stuff always comes back. I loan lots of stuff at audio shows. A good way to showcase both my gear and the borrower's gear. A definite win-win.
roxxi Messages: 15 Registered: July 2013 Location: NY
No! I have had problems loaning many things to friends. There is no way I would take the chance with something so expensive. If I am going to be at the event I might take it if asked. I will be the one that controls it though.
Soundsensor Messages: 7 Registered: July 2013 Location: The South
My general guidelines for loaning things covers all departments. It doesn't matter if it's audio gear, a car, tools, money, or whatever else.
I loan all things with the upfront mindset that I will not get it back, period. So based on this, I sort of build credit lines when it comes to loaning things out.
I will never loan something that I cannot afford to not be returned. Ever! I also will not loan out something, to a person for the first time, that is very valuable to me. I will start small and determine a person's integrity. If you establish "good credit" with me then I will become more willing to lend bigger and better things.
I lend books but that's about it. I just don't feel comfortable loaning out expensive gear because then I worry that I won't get it back and things will be weird between us.
My equipment isn't cheap so, no, I don't loan it out. Even if most people are honest, I make a living off of my equipment and accidents can and do happen. I can't afford to lose any of it so I don't loan it out.
RustyC Messages: 44 Registered: July 2013 Location: AL
People don't have to be bad or unreliable to have something bad happen. I'm very much like soundsensor, even about my books. If I want it back, I don't loan it out.
Of course, I have a lot of stuff that I loan out, though, because I just have a lot of stuff that, honestly, I won't miss if it doesn't come back.