Were you surprised when all of the revelations about the NSA, FBI, and CIA spying on all of us and other countries came out? Personally, I was not surprised at all.
gofar99 Messages: 1969 Registered: May 2010 Location: Southern Arizona
Illuminati (5th Degree)
Hi, No. I expect there are more things we don't know about. It is a tangled issue. How much protection do we want vs how much privacy are we willing to give up to get it. It would be a lot more clear cut if there was an easy way to verify that each decrement in the one provided a corresponding and valuable gain in the other. Then too we are not privy to any number of things that have been prevented either. A tough call for each of us to examine and evaluate. I find it more humorous that some of the other nations protested and hollered about it....particularly since they are virtually certain of doing the same thing. Subsequent events notably the way Russia set rules on potential asylum (only if Snowden stopped causing problems for the US) are really rather interesting. All in all good food for thought.
I saw a story yesterday, that sounds as though Snowden is going to take Russia's offer of asylum. I also saw another story where parts of the Russian guard have reverted to using paper instead of electronic communication.
roxxi Messages: 15 Registered: July 2013 Location: NY
I was not surprised at all. I am surprised at how the US Government is handling the whole situation. I wonder where Snowden will end up and if we will somehow get him prior to him getting out of the airport.
Well, he has made certain that different people around the world have hard copies of all the documents that he has. Even if the US gets him the information will still be released.
Heck no! It cracks me up that some people were shocked that our government is spying on us. They have been since the beginning of the Union for goodness sakes. J. Edgar Hoover had dossiers on just about everyone back in the day.
gofar99 Messages: 1969 Registered: May 2010 Location: Southern Arizona
Illuminati (5th Degree)
Hi Everyone, No surprises here but the thing that is more worrisome is that non-government agencies are spying as well. Have you seen the advertisements for some insurance companies that will "let you" install a device in your car so they can give you a better rate. Guess what kind of data it records? Cell phone tracking, what you watch on CATV (yes most are bi-directional and track that) store checkouts, credit cards, debit cards and lots others. We have allowed ourselves to be watched and tracked in many ways. Whether for good or bad is the question.