We're saving up to put a flat screen TV in the bedroom and a friend of mine was talking about some great deals at Sam's Club. The only problem is, we don't have a Sam's Club membership. We would have to buy one so that we could buy the TV from there. Do you think Sam's Clubs' prices on TV's are so much better that it would justify us buying an annual membership?
I haven't been a Sam's Club member in several years now, but from what I can remember, yes, the price savings would justify the membership. You have to think too that if you go ahead and buy the membership you'll most likely end up buying other things from there as well, so you'll save money on other purchases too.
audioaudio90 Messages: 623 Registered: October 2010
Illuminati (1st Degree)
We used to have a membership, so we bought our flat screen from there. I have found that shopping sales tends to save more money for most groceries and paper products, so we let our membership lapse. However, the annual membership is about $40, last I knew, so if you know that you will save at least $40 on the price of your TV, it'd be worth it.