Do you think that the US will fall over the so called "fiscal cliff", or do you think that Republicans and Democrats will work together? I think that there is a very miniscule chance that an agreement will be reached.
love2play Messages: 134 Registered: March 2012 Location: GA
Yes, I think there is a strong possibility that we might fall over the fiscal cliff. If we do, I think that will be the end of any kind of great credit rating for this country.
Wayne Parham Messages: 18835 Registered: January 2001
Illuminati (33rd Degree)
I agree. Talk about funny-money and invented catastrophies. What a bunch of morons. I'd love to see any of them balance a checkbook, just for once in their lives.
I agree. Talk about funny-money and invented catastrophies. What a bunch of morons. I'd love to see any of them balance a checkbook, just for once in their lives.
Amen to that! Obviously all of our congressmen and women have accountants to pay their most basic of bills because they have no concept of a budget! The rest of us are pinching pennies and robbing Peter to pay Paul, and they act like they just won the lottery!
I agree that we're going to fall off the cliff and I don't think it matters if Washington has a say in it or not. They're politicians, not business people.