I live in California, and this has been one of the most pleasant Februaries I can remember in a long time. We could probably use a little more rain though. Are you experiencing early spring weather where you live?
gofar99 Messages: 1969 Registered: May 2010 Location: Southern Arizona
Illuminati (5th Degree)
Hi, Arizona has been really nice as well. Even in the high country here (4600 feet) the temps have been in the low 70's for about a week. Shorts and "T" shirts weather.
love2play Messages: 134 Registered: March 2012 Location: GA
I am in Georgia and we barely had a winter at all this year. We are supposed to have temperatures in the 80's today and tommorrow. I am betting we have a very hot summer here this year.
I've never been a big believer in global warming, but if these trends continue maybe I'll have to change my mind. To be fair, it has cooled off again recently here, and we finally got some more rain too.
gofar99 Messages: 1969 Registered: May 2010 Location: Southern Arizona
Illuminati (5th Degree)
Hi, Yes a bit of unusual weather. I suspect that a lot of the problem in believing global warming is that often folks think that the local weather will get much hotter and be noticeable. Really what was expected at least in the earlier parts is that it would alter the weather patterns. This may be what we are now seeing. Wild temperature swings and more numerous storms. Locally (Arizona) the actual temperatures have not gone over record highs or below record lows consistently, but the swings have been something else. A high of 42 and snow last week following 82 degree highs and now back to the 80s. Rainfall patterns are off as well. I hope this is not the harbinger of things to come.
That's a good analysis, Bruce. For me the problem wasn't expecting rapid local heat waves, it was simply a lack of solid evidence. As you said, these unusual swings and patterns are unsettling, and I hope it levels out a little at some point.
I sure am enjoying this unbelievably nice weather. Our winter was extremely mild in comparison to others. And so far, this spring has been feeling more and more like summer & less like spring. Can't complain at all!
Rockstar Messages: 121 Registered: November 2010 Location: NY
I was until today! Today we had 8 inches of snow dumped on us. I live in the North East and we are getting hammered on. I don't want snow in late April! I would have rather had this snow in February!
gofar99 Messages: 1969 Registered: May 2010 Location: Southern Arizona
Illuminati (5th Degree)
Ugh. I used to live there and can recall having snow dumped on me when you already thought winter was over. The worst storms seemed to happen in mid to late March. Here (Arizona)we are just having hot weather. 3 record hot days in a week. Worse the weather is highly variable this year. We had snow on the first day of spring! Then it was in the 50's about 10 days ago. Today 91 (93 yesterday). At least you don't have to shovel sunshine... just my electric bill is growing rather quickly.