Nick77 Messages: 44 Registered: February 2011 Location: Austin
Hi Wayne I am considering moving forward on pi4 project.
I have located 1" mdf locally and just wanted to make sure there were no issues with heavier product as long as I compensate with dimensions. I like to build a extra solid box.
Nick77 Messages: 44 Registered: February 2011 Location: Austin
Well I have been trying to audition the Pi4 for over a year now and finally decided to just proceed. I have purchased my last 3 speakers w/o hearing them first so why stop now.
Anyway my current speakers are GR Research OB/7 open baffle speakers and I have enjoyed them but looking for something new in a high sensitivity design.
I am somewhat familar with Gedlee's stuff having heard the Nathans on several occaisons. I have several audio buddies running Abbys and rave about them.
I was somewhat nervious letting my OB/7's go cause they are quite resolute, but waf appeal was low. I also was unable to have any room treatments in the family room which is helpful with open baffle design.
I do intend to use the DE250 and JBL 2226 upgrades.
Nick77 Messages: 44 Registered: February 2011 Location: Austin
I didn't care for the glossy shine on the horns so I took some steel wool to them to tone it down. They look much better now.
I wittled away at the horn bolt openings with a razor knife for some time getting the nuts on the bolts. Finally dug out a sanding wheel dremil attachment and made easy work of it on the second horn.
How tight do you attach the compression drivers, just compress the lock washers??
Wayne Parham Messages: 18845 Registered: January 2001
Illuminati (33rd Degree)
I apply 10ft/lbs. It compresses the lock washers, and then maybe about a sixteenth of a turn more. It's really easiest to do with an open end wrench.
Hey, did you use the two opposing studs/nuts to attach the driver to the horns? Or did you use three? I ask because I've done a ton of these and never had to remove any material. But I know some people do feel the need to remove material to access the bolts. Seems like they are all using the three bolt holes, which are uncomfortably close to the support structures.
Nick77 Messages: 44 Registered: February 2011 Location: Austin
I used the three bolt pattern. I realized by lifting the driver up a little it made spinning the nut a little eaiser but im pretty sure removing a little plastic was neccessary.
gofar99 Messages: 1973 Registered: May 2010 Location: Southern Arizona
Illuminati (5th Degree)
Hi Nick, Which BGs are those in the new speakers? What crossover freq/slope did you use on them. I ask as I have a quad of BGs here that I never used for a still born project and it might just give me the push to finish it.
Wayne Parham Messages: 18845 Registered: January 2001
Illuminati (33rd Degree)
Nick77 wrote on Tue, 06 March 2012 08:10
I used the three bolt pattern. I realized by lifting the driver up a little it made spinning the nut a little eaiser but im pretty sure removing a little plastic was neccessary.
Yeah, the three-hole pattern is a bit dodgy. I never use that position because the two-hole mounts work perfectly, with no adjustment necessary.