Thanks for the plans Wayne....... your email answered a few questions.
But i have a few more.......
After a quick search online i found the alpha10's can be bought in pairs for silly cheap money while the compression drivers are about what i expected.
So........ Are the h.f. horns an 'off the shelf' item or a 'custom' item exclusive to Pi?
The cross over notes say some desighns have zobel woofer dampers, are these applicable to this desighn?
Would it be possible to purchase the H.F. horns and Xover boards / zobel dampers as part of a 'short kit'?
Being a UK resident, i would guess that shipping the full pair parts kit could be pricey, takeing in the factors of: i purchaced a cycle frame recently and had to pay import AND 20% tax on the cost of the frame and duty! NOT funny when i found out that i could get the same frame from a UK based seller for 3/4 the price..........